Author: Azadeh Ansari
Welcome to our newest PhD student, Tony Wang!
Tony joins us from UC Berkeley, where he did his undergraduate studies in Material Science with a minor in Electrical Engineering.
Our recent work on vibration-powered micro-robots is covered by NBC News, Engadget, Techcrunch, DailyBeast, Fast Company, IEEE Spectrum, NSF360, Huffington News, Futurism, New Atlas, Slash Gear, etc.!
Check out the story of “vibration-powered ant-sized robots” covered by GT News.
Our recent wok on micro-bristle bots is now published at the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Congrats to DeaGyu and the team!
Mingyo’s paper on SHF Crystalline FBARs is accepted for presentation at IEEE IUS 2019.
Congrats to all the authors. She will present her work in Glasgow on Oct 6-9 2019.
Jialin (James) Wang joins the group as a PhD student!
Welcome on board, James!
Azadeh will present an invited talk on “Sc-AlN crystalline acoustic resonators for 5G applications” at IWS 2019 in Guangzhou, China on May 22.
Azadeh will be chairing the “Quartz and MEMS” session in IFCS 2019, Apr 16 in Orlando, FL.
Dr. Durga Gajula joins our lab as the newest post-doc member!
Welcome on board, Durga!