Congrats to the Mingyo and the team! She will present this work at Transducers conference in Berlin, Germany (June 23-27).
Author: Azadeh Ansari
Mingyo’s paper on formation, evolution and tuning of micromechanical frequency combs is accepted for publication in JMEMS.
Great job Mingyo!
Chris’s paper on single crystal Sc-AlN SAW resonators is accepted for oral presentation at IMS 2019 and nominated for best student paper award!
Congratulations to Chris and rest of the team!
Chris will present his work at IMS, June 2-7 in Boston, MA.
Check out our recent review paper on effective Q tuning mechanisms in MEMS resonators, published in Applied Physics Review!
Our collaborative work with Stanford and EPFL is published in Applied Physics Review. Our paper reviews various Q enhancement/suppression techniques and aims at unifying different Q pumping models used in clocks, resonant sensors and optomechanical resonators.
Yue is selected as a recipient of a President’s Undergraduate Research Award (PURA) for Spring 2019
Congrats Yue!
She has received this award for her work on “A Novel Design of Nonreciprocal Acoustic Device.”
More info on PURA:
We co-organized (with Prof. Asif Khan, ECE) GSMT high school students’ visit to GT clean room facility
Chris joins our lab as the newest PhD student. Welcome Chris!
Azadeh teaches two modules on FM radios to high school students during Hands-on Tech (H.O.T.) Days @ Georgia Tech Day Camp
The H.O.T. Days @ Georgia Tech camp is a one-week-long summer day camp designed to introduce students attending high schools in Georgia to electrical and computer engineering (ECE) concepts. The goal of the program is to instill an interest in ECE and increase the number of high school graduates majoring in this field.
We teamed up with the Electronics Lab at Gatech led by James Steinberg, to teach high school students soldering techniques to build FM auto-scan radios; and learn about electrical engineering principles such as basics of wave propagation, resonance, antennas and electronic circuits.