Congrats to Mingyo, Yue, and Tony for having their papers accepted at HH. They will present their works on June 6-9 in person in Hilton Head.
Category: News
Our group received funding from DARPA and Northrop Grumman to work on 2-18 GHz multifrequency acoustic filters
Our proposal titled “SWIM- Sensing with Independent Microswimmers” led by Ethan Schaler (JPL) was selected for Phase II NASA NIAC.
Tony and DeaGyu’s paper on “bidirectional micro rocker bots” is accepted for publication in the Journal of Micro Bio Robotics.
Congratulations to the team!
James paper on “High Temperature Acoustic and Electric Characterization of Ferroelectric Al0.7Sc0.3N Films” is accepted for publication in JMEMS.
Azadeh gives an invited talk at Radio Wireless Week, Si RF conference.
Yue’s paper is accepted for publication at IEEE MEMS 2022
The title of the paper is: “HIGH-ORDER SEZAWA MODE ALSCN/GAN/SAPPHIRE SURFACE ACOUSTIC WAVE RESONATORS.” This is a collaborative work with Prof. Zetian Mi’s group at UMich.
Our lab received a delightful visit from the Sutterfield family
Our microrobotics team presented their work on various applications of microbots from neurosurgery to space exploration to our special guests: Meade Sutterfield, Anna, Sam, and Erin Robbins!
Check out our recent collaborative work with Prof. Sam Graham’s group (ME, GT) on thermal conductivity characterization of AlScN films. The paper is published in Materials Today Physics.
Our NASA SWIM project, is featured on NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Symposium
Our SWIM team proposal, led by Ethan Schaler (JPL), was presented in NIAC symposium on Sept. 21-23 and featured here: