We are hosting Roman Shevchenko from North Carolina State to work on piezoelectric actuators Link.
The purpose of the late news is to enable the “latest” outstanding papers to make it to the Workshop…It deals with absolutely remarkable and novel achievements that should not be missed, both for the author and the attendees of the conference. Late news oral presentation acceptance rate is %12.More information on Hilton Head Workshop: Link.
Azadeh was the invited speaker for the Women In Engineering (WIE) breakfast event at IEEE Applied Power Electronics conference (APEC), held in San Antonio, TX on March 7, 2018.
More details on the talk can be found here.
Our paper is titled: “Phononic Frequency Combs in Standalone Piezoelectric Resonators,”
Mingyo will present her work at IFCS 2018 on May 21-24 held at Olympic Valley, CA.
Our research team wins $225K seed grant for 3 yrs as the lead group for multi-disciplinary research on “Muscle-Inspired Actuators for Multi-scale Robotics” awarded by Institute of Electronics and Nanotechnology (IEN) at Georgia Tech.
Co PIs: Simon Sponberg (Physics, Biological sciences, BME), Jun Ueda (ME), Daniel Goldman (Physics), Jason Nadler (MSE, GTRI), Farrokh Ayazi (ECE), Muhannad Bakir (ECE), and Magnus Egerstedt(ECE).
Link to IEN program centers.
More information on the talk: Link
Welcome to the group DeaGyu! January 11, 2018
Welcome on board Mingyo! January 11, 2018